For Teens: Parental Notification

Colorado law requires that any minor under 18 years old notify their parents or other legal guardian of their intent to have an abortion. This Notice contains information about the Parental Notification law in Colorado.

  1. The law requires that both parents be notified, unless you request that only one parent be notified. A court-appointed guardian or foster parent is considered your parent for purposes of this law.
  2. If you are living with a grandparent, adult aunt or adult uncle, they may be notified rather than your parents.
  3. If you are at least 15 years old, living apart from your parents and supporting yourself, or are married, you are emancipated and are not required to notify your parents.
  4. If you voluntarily notify your parent(s)/guardian/relative, the law requires that person to certify in writing that they have received notice. If your parent will not be accompanying you to the procedure, we require that a Certification of Notice be signed and a copy of your parent’s driver’s license or other valid identification with signature be provided.
  5. If you would like us to notify your parent/guardian/relative, we will do so to the person and at the address you provide, by certified mail. The law requires that you wait 48 hours after the certified letter is mailed before you receive abortion services.
  6. If you do not want to notify your parent/guardian/relative of your intent to have an abortion, you may ask a judge to determine that you are mature enough to make this decision alone, or that it is in your best interest to not notify your parents. This process occurs quickly and no fees are charged.
  7. You do not have to notify your parent/guardian/relative if you are the victim of abuse or neglect by the parent/guardian/relative who would otherwise be entitled to receive notice, but only if the abuse or neglect has been reported to the proper authorities. If you tell us that you are the victim of abuse or neglect we are required by law to report this to the proper authorities.
  8. This law requires that parents be notified, however, it does not require that parents consent to or approve of your decision to have an abortion. Also, notification to your parents does not mean that your parents are entitled to know any of your confidential medical information.